

September 12th, 2008

Reliability Approach Self-assessment Tool including Enhancement Recommendations
Reliability is a discriminating characteristic of products in today’s marketplace, yet many companies are unsure about what is important in designing and manufacturing reliability. They sometimes lack the specialized expertise and/or experience to use their resources wisely in “making reliability happen.”

Over the years, Quanterion’s engineers have often been tasked…  Read More

Quanterion a Key Contributor in DoD’s New Focus on Reliability

May 15th, 2008

The Department of Defense (DoD) is now putting new emphasis on making its systems and equipments more reliable through a series of initiatives where Quanterion Solutions is a key contributor.

Recognizing that its designs were falling short of their reliability goals, the DoD is cooperating with industry to:

develop a general government/industry reliability standard to replace MIL-STD-785…  Read More

Quanterion Solutions’ Rose Receives Prestigious Carr Award

February 15th, 2008

The Mohawk Valley Engineers Executive Council has awarded David Rose, Quanterion Solutions Manager of Advanced Programs, the 2008 E. Quint Carr Award for Engineering Excellence for his contributions to the field of corrosion prevention.

Mr. Rose has become recognized as a national leader in efforts to reduce the estimated $276B annual cost of corrosion.  He is…  Read More

Quanterion Employees Participate at RAMS 2008

January 2nd, 2008

Quanterion Solutions Inc. (QSI) will again take an active role in supporting the annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), which will be held in Las Vegas from January 28th through the 31st. QSI President Preston MacDiarmid and his team of David Nicholls, David Rose, Daniel Gonzales, and Eric MacDiarmid will attend the conference to exhibit…  Read More

Grand Re-opening and 40th Anniversary of DoD Information Analysis Center

November 14th, 2007

Quanterion Solutions Incorporated recently held a ribbon-cutting and luncheon at the State University of New York’s Institute of Technology (SUNYIT) to celebrate the “Grand Re-opening” of the Department of Defense’s Reliability Information Analysis Center (RIAC), which is located at the Institute. The “re-opening” triples the size of the facility at SUNYIT, where the core operations…  Read More

EDGE Award Winners Include Quanterion

May 10th, 2007

Four companies and two individuals who have played roles in the Mohawk Valley’s economic growth have been named winners of the 2007 Leading EDGE Awards.

Award winners are:

Quanterion Solutions Incorporated of Utica;
Bartell Machinery Systems LLC of Lee;
Goodrich Power Transmission Systems of Rome;
PLC Trenching Company LLC of Clinton;
Nicholas O. Matt, former EDGE board chair; and
Harry A. Hertline,…  Read More

Rose is Latest Key Hire by Quanterion

December 15th, 2006

Quanterion Solutions announces that David Rose is the latest addition to Quanterion’s staff in the position of Manager of Advanced Programs. Rose joins the staff after ten years at Alion Science and Technology, eight of which were spent as the Director of the Department of Defense Advanced Materials and Processes Technology Analysis Center (AMPTIAC) (recently…  Read More

Quanterion Awarded AFRL “ITEMS” Contract

June 26th, 2006

Quanterion Solutions, announces the award of an Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Rome Research Site contract “Integrated Information Management Technical, Engineering, and Management Support (ITEMS).” Under the 36-month award of $1.56 million, Quanterion will provide engineering and software services to the Information Directorate of AFRL in Rome, NY

Quanterion Releases “217Plus Handbook” Under RIAC

May 26th, 2006

Quanterion Solutions, a key member of the Wyle Laboratories team operating the Department of Defense (DoD) Reliability Information Analysis Center (RIAC), has released the “Handbook of 217Plus Reliability Prediction Models” according to Quanterion’s David Nicholls, the RIAC Operations Manager.

Nicholls indicated that the Handbook is the most comprehensive reliability prediction handbook published since the last revision…  Read More

Three Contract Wins for Quanterion

March 3rd, 2006

Quanterion Solutions, a small business engineering consulting firm based in Utica, NY, has been awarded three recent contracts. Company President Preston MacDiarmid announced that Brookhaven National Laboratories (BNL) has awarded a 3-year engineering support services contract to Quanterion to support itsInternational Safeguards Project Office and the International Atomic Energy Agency. Under the program, the company…  Read More