Homeland Defense extends beyond the important mission of preventing attacks on population centers, as natural and adversarial events affecting the nation’s critical infrastructure (e.g., power grid, transportation systems, water supply, financial systems, etc.) could have an equally as, if not more, devastating impact on the US. The seriousness of these threats and the severity of the consequences have never been more apparent.
Quanterion performs a wide range of investigations and analyses intended to improve the U.S. defense and responsiveness to events that present a potential threat. These efforts address preventative measures, including design analysis to ensure the security of cyber-physical systems and the identification of vulnerabilities for the integration of fail-safe/fault tolerant systems for critical infrastructure protection, as well as incident recovery planning in response to chemical-biological events and weapons of mass destruction.
Example Projects

Defense Threat Reduction IAC
Quanterion has operated the Defense Threat Reduction Information Analysis Center (DTRIAC) Basic Center of Operations (BCO), the DoD’s knowledge source for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) defense and Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)… Read More

WMD Monitoring Equipment
Under an Engineering and Management support contract to the Brookhaven National Laboratory, Quanterion performed an independent assessment of the equipment maintenance management system (EMIS) used by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for monitoring equipment… Read More

Integrated Information Management System (IIMS)
Quanterion has been supporting the AFRL on IIMS since 2006. It is the third generation of a command and control (C2) and chem/bio detector network that aids users at a site in the preparation for,… Read More

Reliability Information Analysis Center (RIAC)
Quanterion performed the day-to-day core operations of the former Reliability Information Analysis Center (RIAC), the DoD’s Center of Excellence in Reliability/Maintainability and Quality. Although chartered by the DoD, its activities, tools, models and databases are… Read More